Hot Coffee begins with the controversial "frivolous" lawsuit of an old women who spilled hot McDonald's coffee and sued for millions of dollars. The actuality is the distortion of the settlement (which was only $430,000), the horrific consequences of mandatory arbitration, and Bush Jr.'s disgusting support of big corporations and their subtle plan of putting a cap on these kinds of lawsuits. The basis is that there kind of lawsuits, and sueing in general in American, has been demonized and many of us look down upon these things. The documentary reveals that we no longer can be fully compensated and that these lawsuits were the last bastion that made civil courts a possible outlet for average citizens to challenge government.
Next is Kumare.
Kumare is about an Indian-American who was brought up as religious as you can get and went to college and learning the truth about life and religion. Religion is a powerful tool that can bring thousands of people together and bring change to certain elements of life and society. But we all know that religion can earn easy support but how easy? This documentary is enlightening as it is horrifying in reveling how easy it is to convert people into an ideology and enact it in one's own life.
Both of these can be found on Netflix :) Happy Learning!