Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Found Motivation

As I was "stumbling" on StumbleUpon, I realized that. . .I am wasting so much of my life to distractions. Starting today I'm going to do my work, excel at it, and expand my knowledge as a whole everyday of my life. When I'm not studying I will shape my physicality to not only stay healthy, but to keep my mind focused. . .to develop a "hard-knocks" attitude. I'm not changing, I am simply redirecting my priorities into a solid routine. I will not be giving up my hobbies or my interests (this includes regular distractions) because I still love them. I want to be a jack-of-all-trades and learn on my own. . .learn things I didn't on my own. . .I've told myself this thousands of times, but I've decided that I need to do this. . .or my life will reveal nothing significant. This is my oath, and you guys are witness to it. I SWEAR I WILL BECOME A BETTER PERSON THROUGH DEDICATION IN MY STUDIES BOTH INTEGRATED AND NOT INTEGRATED IN MY SCHOOLING. I WILL LEARN AND UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING AROUND ME. I WILL BETTER SUIT MY BODY SO THAT FEEL THE CONSTANT PAIN AND STRUGGLE THAT I WILL EXPERIENCE THROUGHOUT MY LIFE. I WILL NOT LIVE ON REGRET, NOR WILL I RETAIN THEM. I WILL LIVE IN THE PRESENT AND PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE. I WILL BETTER MYSELF AND PREPARE MYSELF NOT TO HAVE A SENSE OF COMPLETION, NOT TO ATTAIN ENLIGHTENMENT. . .BUT ALL OF THAT AND MORE. THIS I SWEAR. Thank you.



  2. Nay, but enlightenment shall come through the completion of a goal. :3

  3. I think enlightenment is happiness. The pursuit of happiness is the same as finding enlightenment.

  4. Sounds like boot camp to me. (cries to self)
